In recent events, Oga Obinna, a renowned Kenyan comedian, musician, and media personality, has openly expressed his frustrations with producers and video directors in the entertainment industry. Obinna, known for his candid and outspoken nature, highlighted several challenges that artists face while working with some of these professionals.
He criticized producers for delays in delivering completed projects, lack of transparency in pricing, and in some cases, subpar production quality that does not match the fees charged. Obinna also addressed video directors, pointing out issues such as poor communication, missed deadlines, and failure to meet the creative vision agreed upon for projects.
His complaints shed light on ongoing frustrations within the industry, particularly for artists trying to maintain professionalism and deliver high-quality content to their audiences. Oga Obinna called for better accountability, professionalism, and collaboration, emphasizing the need for industry players to work together to raise standards and foster growth in Kenya’s entertainment scene.
This candid criticism has sparked discussions among artists, producers, and fans about the importance of mutual respect and reliability in the creative process.